“We are told to remember the IDEA and not the Man, Man can be failed, He can be died & forgotten, but after 1000's of years an IDEA still can change the World.”
MSH is established on a critical objective that education is measured with the development and growth of a child into a true and ideal human being, not just through marks. Traits such as emotional intelligence, generosity, empathy, kindness, curiosity, listening, and respectfulness are apparent in every MSH student.
Sports activities in schools enhance physical fitness, teamwork, discipline, and social skills, fostering holistic development and healthy lifestyles.
Model-based learning in schools emphasizes real-world problem solving, critical thinking, and conceptual understanding through interactive, hands-on, and collaborative activities.
Train Young Brain in schools enhances cognitive skills, boosts creativity, and fosters problem-solving through engaging, age-appropriate mental exercises.
Make science learning fun and interesting. We focus on practical, and fun oriented learning approach to students.
Stay connected to your roots and learns to celebrate your festivals and culture that changes children's attitude.
Train your body and mind by learning the most systematic and scientific Korean traditional martial arts.
Develop your own storytelling talent and inculcate qualities like wisdom, courage, and honesty.
A spacious, tidy, pleasing in appearance, simple and real place for kids. Each element in the premises exists in order to help in the development of the child.
Enhance hand-eye coordination as they dig, scoop, pour or mold the sand and let them explore their environment.
Build attention and concentration power and help them overcome negative emotions like jealousy, fear, and anger with our yoga classes.
Explore the natural world with our regular picnic programs. It provides a great opportunity for students to cherish wonderful experience.